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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-7-25     來源:在線分析部落    編輯:衡格格    審核:張經(jīng)緯、王靜

ESPOO, Finland, July 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Valmet entered into an agreement on July 14, 2023, to acquire the Process Gas Chromatography business of Siemens AG. The value of the acquisition is EUR 102.5 million on a cash and debt-free basis subject to customary adjustments. The acquisition is estimated to be completed on April 1, 2024, at the earliest, upon completion of carve-out measures and customary closing conditions.

芬蘭埃斯波2023717日電 /美通社/ -- 維美德于2023714日達(dá)成協(xié)議,收購西門子公司的工藝氣相色譜業(yè)務(wù)。此次收購的價(jià)值為1.025億歐元,無現(xiàn)金和無債務(wù),但需進(jìn)行慣常調(diào)整。此次收購預(yù)計(jì)最早將于202441日完成,屆時(shí)將完成剝離措施和慣例成交條件。

Siemens Process Gas Chromatography business in brief


The Process Gas Chromatography business of Siemens AG is a market leader with its Maxum II Gas Chromatograph platform, Systems Integration, and Customer Services offering. Gas Chromatographs are used to measure the chemical composition in gases and evaporable liquids in all stages of production. With deep customer process knowledge in chemicals, liquefied natural gas (LNG), refining and biofuels, the business provides critical process insights to support its customers in ensuring and improving quality, sustainability, and safety worldwide.

西門子股份公司的過程氣相色譜業(yè)務(wù)憑借其Maxum II氣相色譜儀平臺(tái)、系統(tǒng)集成和客戶服務(wù)產(chǎn)品成為市場領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。氣相色譜儀用于測量所有生產(chǎn)階段氣體和可蒸發(fā)液體中的化學(xué)成分。憑借在化學(xué)品、液化天然氣 (LNG)、煉油和生物燃料方面的深厚客戶流程知識(shí),該業(yè)務(wù)提供關(guān)鍵的流程見解,以支持其客戶確保和提高全球質(zhì)量、可持續(xù)性和安全性。

In 2022, net sales of the business amounted to approximately EUR 120 million and pro-forma adjusted EBITDA margin was approximately 10%. The business employs around 300 people, and its main locations are in the USA, Germany, and Singapore.


The acquisition is in line with Valmet's strategy and will further strengthen Valmet's automation segment and process automation offering with process industry gas chromatograph and process analyzer systems offering. It also strengthens Valmet's Automation Systems business footprint in North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. Valmet and Siemens will work closely together over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition, thereby maintaining a strong customer orientation and operational continuity. The acquired business is planned to be integrated into Valmet's Automation Systems business line as a separate business unit.


"Siemens' Process Gas Chromatograph Maxum II products, systems and services offering complements well Valmet's existing automation offering, industry reach and expertise. The Maxum brand is widely known in process industries and the products are used extensively by world's leading industrial customers. Also, the large installed base provides further service opportunities and business stability. The business is planned to form a globally-lead business unit wihin the Automation Systems business line and has a joint customer base also with Valmet's Flow Control business line. With this setup, supported by Valmet's strong functions, we see opportunities for further profitable growth in this business. We look forward to welcoming the new colleagues from Siemens to Valmet," says Emilia Torttila-Miettinen, President, Automation Systems business line.

“西門子的在線氣相色譜儀Maxum II產(chǎn)品、系統(tǒng)和服務(wù)與維美德現(xiàn)有的自動(dòng)化產(chǎn)品、行業(yè)影響力和專業(yè)知識(shí)相輔相成。Maxum品牌在加工工業(yè)中廣為人知,產(chǎn)品被世界領(lǐng)先的工業(yè)客戶廣泛使用。此外,龐大的安裝基礎(chǔ)提供了進(jìn)一步的服務(wù)機(jī)會(huì)和業(yè)務(wù)穩(wěn)定性。該業(yè)務(wù)計(jì)劃在自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)業(yè)務(wù)線中形成一個(gè)全球領(lǐng)先的業(yè)務(wù)部門,并與維美德的流量控制業(yè)務(wù)線擁有共同的客戶群。通過這種設(shè)置,在維美德強(qiáng)大的功能的支持下,我們看到了該業(yè)務(wù)進(jìn)一步盈利增長的機(jī)會(huì)。我們期待著歡迎西門子的新同事加入維美德,“自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)業(yè)務(wù)線總裁Emilia Torttila-Miettinen說。

"Today marks a new chapter in our 60-plus-year history of providing world-class gas chromatography products, solutions, and services to process industry customers around the world. By joining the Valmet team, we are excited to be partnering with an organization that shares many synergies with our Gas Chromatography and Integration business and a clear focus on employees and customers. We all are looking forward to exploring the many positive opportunities this partnership can bring going forward," says Glen Irving, CEO, Siemens Gas Chromatograph & Integration Business.

“今天標(biāo)志著我們60多年來為全球加工行業(yè)客戶提供世界一流的氣相色譜產(chǎn)品、解決方案和服務(wù)的歷史翻開了新的篇章。通過加入維美德團(tuán)隊(duì),我們很高興能與一個(gè)與我們的氣相色譜和整合業(yè)務(wù)共享許多協(xié)同效應(yīng)的組織合作,并明確關(guān)注員工和客戶。我們都期待著探索這種伙伴關(guān)系可以帶來的許多積極機(jī)會(huì),“西門子氣相色譜儀和集成業(yè)務(wù)首席執(zhí)行官Glen Irving說。

Valmet has in recent years successfully expanded its Automation segment through the merger with Neles in April 2022 and the acquisition of NovaTech's Process Solutions business in January 2023.





維美德?lián)碛?/span>220多年的產(chǎn)業(yè)歷史,持續(xù)改進(jìn)并不斷革新。維美德公司2022年的凈銷售額約為51億歐元。 維美德總部設(shè)在芬蘭埃斯波,在納斯達(dá)克赫爾辛基股票交易所上市.



服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)線 服務(wù)業(yè)務(wù)線為客戶在整個(gè)生命周期內(nèi)提供靈活且適用的服務(wù),以提高工藝性能和可靠性。我們的服務(wù)可提升客戶生產(chǎn)過程中的的環(huán)境效率和成本效益,同時(shí)確保安全可靠的運(yùn)營。

自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)業(yè)務(wù)線 提供自動(dòng)化解決方案,從單體測量設(shè)備到覆蓋全廠的過程自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng)。旨在通過提高生產(chǎn)績效、質(zhì)量管理、原材料和能源效率以及成本效益,最大限度地提高客戶業(yè)務(wù)的盈利能力和可持續(xù)性。

制漿和能源業(yè)務(wù)線 為制漿和能源及生物質(zhì)轉(zhuǎn)換提供技術(shù)和解決方案。這些技術(shù)大大提高了可再生原材料的價(jià)值,同時(shí)提高了生產(chǎn)效率并盡量減少了對環(huán)境的影響。

造紙業(yè)務(wù)線 為紙板、生活用紙和紙張的生產(chǎn)提供完整的紙板、生活用紙和紙機(jī)生產(chǎn)線、設(shè)備改造和工藝部件。 這些技術(shù)旨在提高工藝和環(huán)境效率、靈活性、可靠性和安全性。 這些解決方案采用模塊化結(jié)構(gòu),盡可能實(shí)現(xiàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化,易于使用且具有成本效益。

流體控制業(yè)務(wù)線 為不斷發(fā)展的流程工業(yè)提供關(guān)鍵的流體控制技術(shù)和服務(wù)。幫助我們的客戶改善他們的工藝性能和環(huán)境效率,并確保物料的安全流動(dòng)。


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